Airborne Sensors

We manage and operate a broad and growing inventory of sensors and systems for airborne applications.

Please Note: All sensor installations on our manned aircraft are subject to certification through the normal routes. All documents relating to these modifications are maintained on our internal Sharepoint site  under Aircraft Documents.

We operate a sophisticated drone-based laser-scanning system for the M300 RTK unmanned aircraft.

Fitted to the ECO-Dimona crewed aircraft, our highly customised meteorologocal system is able to measure temperature, pressure, humidity, 3D wind and turbulent fluxes of energy, moisture and carbon doixide.

RGB camera systems are vital tools within our survey capability on both manned and unmanned, supporting ortho-mapping and structure-from-motion based 3D imaging.

Hyperspectral systems provide very high spectral resolution imagery, providing a wealth of information on surface processes and materials.

We have installed a range of supporting infrastructure on the ECO-Dimona, known collectively as the Central Services Module (CSM) and the Navigation - Alignment System (NAS).

Multispectral systems provide specialised spectral imaging at relatively low cost and weight.

Our atmospheric chemistry equipment allows us to measure the concentration, distribution, and movement of climatically important trace gases in the atmosphere.

We have a range of laser rangefinders and altimeters for use on both manned an unmanned aircraft. These can be used both for flight guidance, and for the generation of point clouds or transects of the surface below.