Sony A6000

The 24 MP A6000, fitted with prime 20 mm lens, provides outstanding imaging capability for our mid-weight UAS systems.

Our A6000s are fully integrated with our DJI M600 Pro and Arducopter-based UAS, through which automated triggering (and, on Arducopter platforms, logging of triggers against GPS time and location) can be achieved. Power is also drawn from the aircraft to avoid additional battery management issues.

On Arducopter platforms these are operated on fixed mounts (which are ground adjustable in pitch, to allow obliques to be obtained if required). The M600 Pro installation is fully gimballed.

The A6000 is generally operated with a high quality Sony SEL20F28 E Mount - APS-C 20mm F2.8 Wide Angle Prime Lens.



Sony A6000 on drone
Sony A6000 on fixed (ground adjustable) mount on T680 UAS.