Air Sample Interface

The Air Sample Interface (ASI) provides connections to air sample tubes running to each wing pod.

The Air Sample Interface is a simple panel mounting 1/4" Swagelock bulkhead tube fittings; two of these are connected to a tube from each underwing pod, while the other two are free for expansion.

The ASI permits air samples to be drawn from either pod to sampling equipment (e.g. flasks, bags) in the cabin, or alternatively can be used to allow cabin based calibration gas sources to be applied to analysers in the pods; this is used for example to supply reference air from large tedlar bags in the cabin to the Picarro gas analyser for trials and calibrations.


the air sanple interface panel in the rear cabin
The AIr Sample Interface (ASI) panel in the ECO-Dimona's rear cabin. The ASI provides air sample connectivity between the cabin and the two wing pods.