Go Pro Hero 4 Black

Our Go Pro is now primarily employed for cockpit video and voice recording on the ECO-Dimona, but also provides a video/stills capability for UAS and ground use.

The Go Pro Hero 4 Black is a high quality action camera capable of 12 MP stills and 4 K video.

It is principally employed on the ECO Dimona, where it is powered by USB from the science systems and a feed from the intercom system is recorded - this provides invaluable qualitative data in the form of cockpit voice and video.

The Go Pro is also flyable on our UAS, and a 3-axis gimbal and FPV system has been developed to support this.


image of crop study site from Go Pro
Screen capture from Go Pro 4K video. Image credit S. Gibson Poole.



Go Pro camera
Go Pro Hero 4 Black, used primarily for cockpit voice and video, also available for UAS use.