Central Services Module (CSM)

The CSM provides essential support infrastructure to all on-board measuring systems.

Key roles of the CSM are:

  • Power distribution, conditioning and protection
  • Signal distribution and network infrastructure
  • Human machine interface
  • Time synchronisation
  • Air sample distribution
  • System monitoring, control and logging

All elements of the CSM are located within the aircraft cabin and wing conduits; it can therefore be flown in the absence of the under-wing pods.



The Front Science Panel (FSP) fills the provided space on the observer's side of the instrument panel and provides the human-machine interface for the aircraft's science systems.

The Rear Science Panel, mounted on the rails in the rear cabin, provides the main scientific power distribution as well as system logging and control functions.

The Data Interface Unit (DIU) acts as a key distribution hub for signal and networking between the cabin based systems and the wing pods.

The Air Sample Interface (ASI) provides connections to air sample tubes running to each wing pod.

The Skyward Sensor Mount (SSM) provides a secure mounting base for optical sensors through a dedicated port in the rear cabin's baggage door.