Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or drones, represent an exciting and rapidly developing technology with extremely widespread potential for scientific research and wider application.

Airborne Research and Innovation operates at the forefront of this new technology and aims to provide highly professional services to researchers including:

  • Platform and sensor development and associated support
  • Fully supported data acquisitions
  • Operational and theoretical training and standardisation
  • Equipment loan

We are now operating a broad fleet of UAS in the sub-25kg category.

We have also developed procedures and documented an Operations Manual to professional standards, with all crews qualified to GVC standard.

All facility UAS operations are conducted to the highest standards of safety and regulatory compliance as outlined in our UAS Operations Manual.

View our UAS Operations Manual (links to our internal Sharepoint site)

We can provide directly supported flight operations using a range of unmanned aircraft and sensors, as well as providing a comprehensive operations management system for independent work with loaned equipment.

We operate a fleet of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) of various types in support of internally-held research projects and teaching programmes, with some platform development ongoing.

We have accumulated significant experience in the development of Arducopter-based custom UAS solutions.

We are able to provide specialised professional training for researchers and students planning to use UAS in their work.