NEO Hyspex VNIR 1600 (ECO-Dimona)

The Hyspex VNIR 1600 provides high quality hyperspectral imaging capability from the ECO-Dimona.

The VNIR 1600 is a pushbroom imaging system with 1600 spatial pixels across track and 160 contiguous spectral channels across the visible-near infrared part of the spectrum. Coupled with ability of the ECO-Dimona to operate at low flying speeds and heights this provides an exceptional tool for high resolution hyperspectral imaging over wide spatial areas (i.e. 10s-100s sq. km per hour). The VNIR band is particularly useful for studying vegetation and its role in the global carbon cycle, as well as other ecosystem services.


Hyspex VNIR1600 (black) within its mounting block alongside the INS/GNSS unit (red) and the slaved camera
Hyspex VNIR1600 (black) within its mounting block alongside the INS/GNSS unit (red) and the slaved camera.