Quality System

The Quality System is established to provide general management and administrative procedures across the facility.

Our Quality System covers all facility operations and establishes the facility's six operational departments:

  • Light Aircraft (Research) Operations (LAROPS)
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations (UAS-OPS)
  • Airborne Sensor Lab (ASL)
  • Airborne Data Lab (ADL)
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems Development Lab (UDL)
  • Calibration- Evaluation Lab (CEL)

It also establishes the facility's internal Safety Management System (SMS) which covers all actvities with flight safety implications.

At the core of the Quality System is our Quality Manual, which defines the system and our high-level procedures for facility management.

Staff, students and collaborating partners will be briefed on and provided access to our Quality System and its documentation which is availble on our Sharepoint site at the link below.

Fundamental to the success of any such system is a commitment to continual improvement, and we warmly encourage anyone working with us to acticively engage in helping us to improve our processes by providing  feedback and suggestions.

Authorised users only:

Visit our Quality System Sharepoint site.