Ground Facilities

Our home base for aircraft operations is at Fife Airport near Glenrothes, with additional laboratory and office space on the Kings Buildings campus in Edinburgh.

The ECO-Dimona aircraft is hangared at Fife Airport, near Glenrothes, where we also rent an operations cabin adjacent to the hangar. To  support our operations we have developed custom-built solutions for engine pre-heating and preservation, airside power distribution, external power, network and communications for the science systems, and calibration facilities.

For administration and instrument development and integration work, the facility has the use of an office in the Crew building and lab spaces in the Crew Laboratories at Kings Buildings Campus, Edinburgh.

We have experience of operating from remote bases with varying levels of facilities as far afield as the Scandinavian arctic.

Find out more about Fife Airport

Find out more about Kings Buildings Campus


Dimona on the ground with ground support equipment
The ECO-Dimona undergoing preparation for science system ground test.
our hangar at Fife Airport
Our hangar and operations cabin at Fife Airport, Glenrothes




aircraft entering the runway at fife airport
Entering the runway at Fife from the main apron
aircraft pods under work in labs
Aircraft pods under development in our labs on Kings Buildings campus, Edinburgh.